Monday, October 6, 2008

First Blog. Just a test. Yay me.

Well, a lot of times people will work on their internet stuff, and put together "test stuff". But I plan on expanding a few things, as well as learning a few things too. Applying FTP and subdirectories perhaps? Sounds fancy? Pretty special, huh. FTP sounds like something you put in your car's engine. But it is quicker than regular internet.

So here's a picture to test with this fancy blog as well.

Okay, Jay Daniels and me at the D&W 5000th Broadcast. That coat just makes me look fat. SEE! There, I just used the italics thing. That was a bold move! Get it!

1 comment:

John said...

Looks good Al. Now just click on Settings then Publishing or go to that link I e-mailed and you can shorten the blog name, at least removing "blogspot".