Friday, May 29, 2009

Where the hell does time go?

I am adding to this blog. Today on May 29th. Why today? Because for the past 6 months I forgot about it...

Yes I did. Until today totally forgot.

Then today I was tracking visits to my webpage, and saw someone Google'd my name. Then I saw what the Google found, and there's this blog. Oh yeah, now I remember.

Back in October I was sooooo ambitious. Posting the picture of ME and Jay Daniels, and all these ideas of oh, so funny writings. Ah yes, I would express myself so well, with so much humor that the freelance job writing for The Onion was only a day away.

But no. Because for some reason I can't totally explain, my days are like falling down an icy sliding board. It might be my two kids, ages 5 and 2 eating up some of that time. And the fact that I work from home adds to the expectation of me doing so much more around the house because, hey, I'm "at home".

By my bed I have assorted books I read in the short time before I fall asleep. One I keep grabbing is by Michio Kaku, "Beyond Einstein". Right now I am reading the section about how in the 60's and 70's, (post Einstein's death) how scientists were fiddling with his equations, and seeing if mathematically there could be a time machine.

So, here's what they came up with, what you need for a time machine, really.

This is supposed to work. You need:
1) A wormhole
2) A billion trillion gazillion joules of electricity
3) A craft that goes near the speed of light

The premise is some future generation would be able to do this. So to get a wormhole, you need the electricity. But the amount of energy needed would outdo the entire gross national product of the entire world. And you would use up all the energy we have now in the form of coal, oil, and nukes.

So you get all this electricity, and 2 metal plates. I love how you apply something so complicated to something so simple. I think you can get the plates at Home Depot, but they have to be man-sized. Then you apply all that electricity to the plates, and open a wormhole. It's just that simple. Despite the fact that wormhole or not, that is enough electricity to blow your ass to Candy Mountain.

So now the next part. Once you open the wormhole between the 2 plates, you put one plate on your super airplane and fly it close to the speed of light. So at this point I imagine the wormhole is stretched out like a giant slinky.

So as the plane is flying at or near the speed of light, someone on the ground where the other plate is, well, they jump into the wormhole, and end up on the other side. The thing is they don't know if they will be in the future or the past. And never mind getting back. If there would be a "back" to return to.

What makes me marvel at this? Of course, it sounds like a lot of poppy-cock, and some people marvel at that, like the Village Idiot marveling at a scrap of velvet.

But there is a similar effect that I will be encountering shortly. And I didn't think of it as I started writing this post. But it was bubbling somewhere in the blood/brain barrier.

That being said, take a look at the picture I posted above. That's me in 1986 with Daniels and Webster in new York at ABC studios. Me and my Duran Duran hairdo. And when I look at the picture, I am beyond saying, "It seems like yesterday". Because I think I'm at the point where I am beyond that. Because it is starting to seem long ago.

Another thing that was long ago was my college graduation. June 1984. And this week we are having our 25th reunion. Keeping in the style of the Radio/TV Department at Marywood, we blew off all the "official" Marywood events, and set up a party of our own, at a secret undisclosed location at the upstairs of The Banshee in Scranton. No one knows where that is, so don't tell them.

But take a good look at the picture to the right. That of course is me, and judging from the glasses and beard, I believe if to be Winter 1982/83. Not one of my favorite pictures, but still a good picture in that it's true to what I was doing at the time. Army field jacket, with "An Official Bealtes Fan" button. And ski lift ticket on the zipper. 1972 Toyota Corona.

I know where I have been in the meantime. But to all the people coming to the reunion, this is how they remember me. And in essence, it will be as if I zapped my ass into the wormhole. Except that instead of going to Candy Mountain, I ended up at The Banshee. So when I get there, all my classmates will see someone with a lot of miles on the tires. To paraphrase Indiana Jones, "It's not the years, it's the miles." And I presume that it will seem the same for me looking at the other people.

So where does the time go? Good question. Because at the rate I'm going, the next post for this blog will be my 35th reunion. Maybe it ends up at Candy Mountain...

Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain! Fills me with sweet sugary goodness!!!!